
SEO Consulting

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What is SEO consulting?

SEO consulting is a method in which a consultant provides advice to businesses in improving the SEO for their website. That can be through improving technical items like meta descriptions, page URLs or setting up optimized 301 redirects. An SEO consultant can also help a business by undertaking vigorous keyword research to ensure that businesses are targeting the correct keywords relevant to their business and industry. After providing this insight, your team takes the time to go through the website and make any relevant changes. By hiring an SEO consultant, you can be sure that your business will be given thorough and actionable insights so that your team can improve upon SEO in the future.

Hiring an SEO consultant saves you time researching what your business needs to do with regards to improving SEO. Oftentimes, SEO can be very confusing but with an experienced SEO consultant who is familiar with the ins and out of SEO, they can ensure that any advice you get is specific to your website, your business and your industry. Having tailor-made advice is going to be crucial in making sure that you and your team are taking the right steps to improve your search rankings.

How can SEO consulting help my business?

Now you may be wondering why it may just be easier to hire an SEO team to take over all aspects of improving your search rankings. The question is valid, however, by hiring an SEO consultant, your team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to work on SEO in the future without needing to hire outside help. Our team can do both. Whether you require our team to provide you with full SEO services or provide SEO consulting so you and your team can handle it yourselves, Online Optimism is here to help. Either way, our team is ready to put the work in to ensure that your website climbs up the rankings.

Improving your SEO is one of the major keys to a successful marketing campaign. Working on SEO can help almost any business take that vital next step to reaching the coveted number one spot on Google. When your customers look for you, they’re likely going to start with a quick search on Google and it’s our job as SEO experts to help them find you. After all, 46% of product searches begin on Google and 90% of survey respondents said they were likely to click on the first set of results. So it’s no surprise that being number one on Google is extremely important. That is exactly where Online Optimism, the perfect SEO consultants come in.

SEO Consulting by Online Optimism

We’ve worked with a number of different clients from a wide range of industries to help them improve their SEO. So we are no stranger to the incredibly confusing algorithm that Google has in place to rank websites. We take a thorough look through your website to see where your team can optimize and provide you with a biweekly report showing you exactly what needs to be changed and why. Utilizing industry-leading tools, our team can provide yours with world class advice and real-time results. Not only do we provide bi-weekly reports that show you where SEO needs improvement but we also provide monthly reporting so you can see that implementation of our advice is working and your SEO is improving. From cryptocurrency, to the arts to cybersecurity, our content team can make sure that any business in any industry climbs their way to the top.

75% of users don’t even scroll past the first page of the SERPs.

Making sure your business is at least on the first page is crucial in getting those clicks.

Google holds 74.75% of the search engine market share.

Ensuring your business is accurately identified by Google is key.

88% of consumers will interact with a local business within 24 hours of searching for it on a mobile device.

If your customers are looking for you, they’re likely ready to engage with your business.

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A holistic approach to SEO consulting

Long Term Results

Search engine optimization is a long term strategy. The changes you make today can provide you with results for months or even years to come. Investing in your SEO strategy is one of the top marketing strategies that any digital marketer would recommend investing in. In fact 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. Unlike with other marketing strategies SEO doesn’t require any ad spend nor constant engagement. Once your business ranks for a particular keyword, you rank there until someone outranks you meaning if your competitors or other relevant sites aren’t investing in SEO, then you’ll rank for the relevant keywords until they start investing too.

Taking advantage of SEO consulting puts your business in a position to learn more about SEO and know the right steps to improve SEO in the future. With the help that our SEO consultants can provide, you’ll be sure to know that even many months down the line, you have the right advice and tools for success. Even after our SEO consulting partnerships ends, we ensure that your team feels comfortable and confident implementing the right strategies to get your business to that number one spot.

Trackable Insight

Our team provides yours with detailed reports analyzing both the technical items and creative items that all contribute to your search rankings. Our team is highly skilled in analyzing the technical aspects of your website that all work to help your rankings. These are aspects that a good SEO consultant should be very familiar with. By analyzing these technical aspects, our team can provide yours with ways to improve them and suggestions exactly how to improve them.

As well as a detailed report on what to do to improve your SEO, we provide monthly reporting for all marketing strategies. Our monthly reports track how your SEO is doing. We want to be able to show you that the advice that we give your business is actually working to improve your rankings. Our team is Google analytics certified so we’re able to create custom reports that can tell you how much your organic search traffic has increased and which pages are performing the best. This way we can provide you with quantitative results.

Thought Leaders

With the right research into the relevant keywords, we can ensure that your team is focusing on the right content pieces for your business. The right keywords are essential in ensuring that the right people are finding the right content. We want your content to accurately reflect your industry and business so providing you with keyword analysis and advice on where to improve your content is crucial. By improving the content on your site, not only are you improving your SEO but also your position as a thought leader in your industry.

Whenever your audience is looking for the right content pieces surrounding topics in your industry, we want them to come to you first. This helps you to continue to build on trust in your industry and get your voice noticed as an expert in the field. With the help of our SEO experts, we can begin to identify the content pieces that are going to help you stand out from the crowd and give your audience the perfect content.

Improving Content

It seems second nature that adding more content on your website is going to help Google rank you better. However, it is also important to look through old content and optimize them too. Creating content isn’t easy and often takes time. You want to make sure that all your content pieces are optimized so they’re performing at their fullest potential. A website with 10 well optimized content pieces can perform better than a website with 20 non-optimized pieces. Our team can help with that too.

By searching through the site and looking at older pieces of content, our team can begin to get a picture of what content pieces you should work to improve. Of course there are a lot of factors that go into deciding which content pieces to improve first. By checking what content pieces people are most interested in by looking at search volume, our team can begin to suggest which content pieces to start with. Also, depending on any changes within your industry, some content pieces may no longer be relevant, it would be crucial to get those updated too. All in all, with all the time and effort taken into creating content pieces, it is imperative that they’re optimized for your search rankings.

SEO Services

As a business owner you may not have the time to work on SEO for your business and so an SEO consultant may not be right for you. As mentioned above, our team can handle all of your SEO needs if you don’t have the time. We don’t just provide advice as consultants but we also work with several clients to help them boost their SEO. With continual blogging, link building, guest posting and more, our team is constantly working to get businesses to that number one spot.

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