
How to Target Your Market on Instagram

An Instagram marketing agency like Online Optimism can help create and maintain advertising campaigns on Instagram to help you target your market and reach your demographic through Stories, Reels, videos, organic posts, and ads. Keep reading to learn more about how Online Optimism can help your business. 

hand holding a phone with an instagram feed displayed

Getting Real About Reels

Instagram Reels have become critical for expanding your reach. Instagram launched in 2010 and has been a vital social network for marketing. However, in the wake of TikTok’s success, Instagram launched Reels in 2020, which has been essential for engagement. 

Reels are short videos and have a dedicated space on the Instagram app. Reels can be seen in the Reels tab but are heavily featured in the Explore tab alongside posts and stories. This form of Instagram content is highly flexible, easily shareable, and versatile. As a result, the Instagram algorithm favors Reels content over others. 

Our team of social media experts can help you determine and target your market on Instagram and then begin creating content that will resonate with that audience and build brand awareness. While Reels are the most engaging currently, our team is also highly experienced in running Instagram ads and posting organically to give you the most extensive reach possible on the platform. 

The Optimistic approach starts with reviewing your personas and figuring out who your audience is, developing strategies to successfully target your market, reviewing previous posts to see what has or hasn’t worked in the past, and seeing what is currently performing well on the platform. The following steps include determining what audios are working well, what content needs to be created right away to be on trend and what content is more evergreen, and figuring out the overall voice and tone of the content. Finally, when it comes to Reels, our team a/b tests different styles to see what your audience likes best and keeps track of all the data to make informed decisions down the line. 

Online Optimism is your Instagram marketing agency if you want to amplify your brand voice and expand your digital reach. 

Instagram Stats

  • Instagram has more than 2 billion active users 
  • 64% of the platform’s users are under 34 years old 
  • The largest demographic is individuals aged 25-34 
  • Daily active users of stories are 500 million

Building an Instagram Strategy 

As an Instagram marketing agency, we know there is more to the platform than just Reels. We can work with your team to ensure you take full advantage of what Instagram offers to target your market. 

Instagram Ads

Instagram offers various ads to help you target your market and reach your business goals. Our Optimists have experience running all these ads and are ready to start when you are! 

The types of ads include 

  • Photo ads: These photos can be square, landscape, or portrait. 
  • Video ads: Go beyond the photo ad by turning it into a video that can be up to 60 seconds long. 
  • Carousel ads: This type of ad gives you the option to post multiple images, allowing people to swipe to view additional photos or videos in a single ad. 
  • Stories ads: These ads are full-screen and are run in the stories section of Instagram rather than the main feed. 
  • Ads in Explore: Run your ads to people looking to expand these accounts by running them in the explore tab. 

Contact our Optimists today to get started on your Instagram ads! 

Instagram Story Ads

Instagram story ads appear in between stories of the people a user follows, and while stories disappear after 24 hours, story ads will continue to be shown as long as your campaign is running. Story ads also do not have a set price, and you can spend as much as you’d want; all you have to do is set a budget and duration and work with our team to determine your audience. 

Organic Posting

Organic posting is more than just posting when you want; our team is here to help. It’s essential first to determine your audience’s demographics, budget, and purchasing intent if you are an e-commerce business, assess your audience’s pain points, and have content that allows them to see your brand as the solution. If you are a large corporation, you might even want to create different accounts tailored to your specific audience’s needs. 

When it comes to posting, it’s essential to create goals for your posts to determine their effectiveness, keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and develop a recognizable brand. 

Our Optimists will also always stay on top of what hashtags you should be using, your followers’ activity, what customers are talking about, and new pain points your product can help solve. We also create content calendars to plan ahead and ensure your posts are going out at optimal times, relevant to any significant events in your industry, and have consistent messaging. 

Organic Posting on Instagram Stories

Did you know that over 500 million people are creating and watching Instagram stories daily? Stories allow you to connect and authentically engage with your target audience and help build brand awareness. Unlike regular posts, stories only last 24 hours and are vertical, but you can save these as highlights to your profile if you’d like. They can also be a video or a photo, whatever you prefer! 

The team at Online Optimism has experience in all facets of Instagram for various brands in diverse industries so contact us today! 

Learn How to Target Your Market on Instagram with Online Optimism

To get started on building an Instagram strategy and reaching your target market, look no further than Online Optimism. Contact us today to get started!