It’s no secret that Atlanta, Georgia is quickly becoming the fintech hub in North America. More than 70 percent of all global financial transactions pass through companies headquartered in metro Atlanta.
We put together a landscape of the fintech industry in Atlanta to make establish how large and interconnected this community can be. These companies employ more than 30,000 professionals in Georgia and process over 118 billion transactions per year. There are numerous organizations dedicated to building these relationships, including The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) and Fintech Atlanta. Look at the full list below, and see who the current and next unicorns might be.
How did we decide who to include?
The fintech industry currently has no formally accepted definition for who should be. For the companies included we used a relatively broad definition: The application of technology to financial services, alongside an active website or social media presence with a defined employee list. These companies have been grouped together based on the sector of fintech they fall under and are listed alphabetically within their group.