
E-Commerce Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2019

With the amount of people buying products or goods online increasing every year, it is important to stay on top of the upcoming trends that continue to shape the way e-commerce runs. Though your potential customers can definitely be found online, that doesn’t mean business as usual and traditional tactics will suffice. Instead, organizations with innovative and progressive approaches to e-commerce will stay ahead of the game in 2019. Below are a few of the trends you should keep top of mind.

A pair of hands scrolling through e-commerce products on a touch-screen tablet with a laptop also open in the background.

Augmented/Virtual Reality

Augmented reality helps buyers choose products by creating an environment that makes online shopping seem more realistic. With this tactic, it is possible for your buyers to see exactly how a sofa will look in their living room or how a pair of sunglasses will look on their face by using 3D technology. This makes the online shopping experience less stressful, especially for those bigger purchases. Though augmented/virtual reality has not seen widespread recognition just yet, retailers that are able to incorporate these strategies into their shopping experience will stand above the rest in 2019.

Recommendations for Customers with Machine Learning and AI

Machine learning and AI, on the other hand, help to deliver a better user experience by assisting in a buyer’s shopping through previous data and buying behaviors. Everyone has their preferences and typical shopping choices, so this helps your potential shoppers feel like they’re in a physical shop where the shop owner actually knows them and can provide them with personalized recommendations. The process of recommending items to customers has been practiced by many e-commerce retailers, but implementing this into your 2019 strategy will help you stack up next to some of the bigger brands in your industry.

Strengthen Your Presence on Amazon

Amazon has certainly proven how critical it is in modern day shopping. According to Trevor George, CEO of Blue Wheel Media, an Amazon marketing agency, the best way for sellers to win on the platform is through ads. When advertising on Amazon, there are a few tips to keep in mind to stop wasting valuable advertising dollars on irrelevant searches. Make sure that you are using search term isolation to focus only on the keywords that are driving sales. Next, don’t forget to incorporate negative keywords so that your ads are only focused on converting keywords. Finally, ensure that your detail page consistently meets guidelines. Making sure that this page follows Amazon’s best practices will ultimately help your conversion rates.

The boom in e-commerce is certainly going to continue through 2019 and beyond. Capitalizing on this trend will require thoughtful planning and staying ahead of the competition. Keeping augmented/virtual reality, the valuable uses of machine learning and AI, and your presence on Amazon at the top of your mind throughout the year is a great way to get started.

Want more marketing tips for 2019? Take a look at our “Social Media Trends to Look for in 2019,” written by Taylor Kincaid, the Social Media Director at Online Optimism.